


〒900-0016 沖縄県那覇市前島2-2-1-3F



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Acne Care
 Insurance-Covered Care
  Insurance-Noncovered Care
   PicoSure Laser   Chemical Peel   Acne Care Package

Acne Scar Care
   PicoSure Laser   Dermapen4 Microneedling  Chemical Peeling
   Acne Scar/Skin Pores Care

Acne Care

   Japanese-health-insurance-covered and noncovered cares are available. Combination of both is prohibited by the Japanese law.

 Japanese Insurance Covered Care

  ・topical and oral antibiotics――to kill acne bacteria or to inhibit growth
  ・vitamin B2 and B6―― to prevent excessive sebum secretion
           These are the main acne cares available under the insurance coverage.

 Insurance-Noncovered Acne Care

     PicoSure's Focus Lens' fractional ―ーkills acne bacteria, lessens redness,
                   reduce sebum secretion

Focus handpiece

Focus Lens fractional 4 treatments before/after

downtime: redness subsides within 1 d.,done 1/3wks., at least 3x up to 6x

   Picosure' Focus Lens' fractional treatment shows
no downtime but still effective. If redness is noticed, it subsides 3-4 hours later. Focus Lens' fractional's one more advantage is its capability of treating acne scars. Same as skin pores treatment, it remodels skin structure and improves skin elasticity. That means you can treat your acne scars also while treating your active acne redness at the same time

Focus Lens fractional 6 treatments before/after

downtime: redness subsides within 1 d., done 1/3wks., at least 3x, better 6 or more times

   1Tx. (with tax)  3Tx. set(with tax)  5Tx. set(with tax)
 PicoSure fractional full face  \50000(55000)  \137500(\151250)  \225000(\247500)
   both cheek \40000(\44000)   \110000(\121000)  \180000(\198000)
    nose area  \20000(\22000)  \55000(\60500)  \90000(\99000)
      neck  \40000(\44000)  \110000(\121000)  \180000(\198000)
    upper chest  \50000(\55000)  \137500(\151250)  \225000(\247500)
  others5×5cm  \20000(\22000)  \55000(\60500)  \90000(\99000)
   toning+frac full face  \70000(\77000)  \192500(\211750)  \315000(\346500)
   both cheeks  \60000(\66000)  \165000(\181500)  \270000(\297000)
      nose  \25000(\27500)  \68750(\75625)  \112500(\123750)
       neck  \60000(\66000)  \165000(\181500)  \270000(\297000)
    upper chest  \70000(\77000)  \192500(\211750)  \315000(\346500)
   others5×5cm  \25000(\27500)  \68750(\75625)  \112500(\112500)

     ・Chemical Peeling―― to remove pores clog and reduce sebum
        Much better effect if done by conjunction treatment with PicoSure Focus Fractional.

  Extreme chemical peel is performed with TCA(Trichloroacetic Acid) , which was once a trend when it came out more than 20 years ago, but kind of avoided afterwards due to its noticeable peeling process and sometimes obvious side effects which cause longer downtime. However, it revives its popularity lately by the advent of its newer type.

  PRX-T33 is the newest type of TCA peeling

  Traditional TCA peel done in 20-30% usually creates strong frosting(white scaling) of skin surface which becomes scabs that peel off in a period of 1-2 weeks. Beside of this long healing period, effect is not that satisfactory, and above this, unwanted burns, scars, or long-lasting discoloration might occur.

  PRX-T33 contains 33% of TCA, but it does not show some obvious frosting or scaling compared to the traditional one. Since it does not show severe frosting, it can be applied to the skin with a long 10-minute massage, inorder to let it penetrate deeper into the dermis to see more effect at the deeper layer. This is why it is called a massage peel.

  Even with its 33%TCA content, hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) in the solution controls frosting of the skin surface, allowing the procedure to penetrate the substance into the deeper skin layer to enable the dermis to reproduce more collagen fibers, resulting in a firmer skin texture and improvement of acne, pores, and acne scars. Kojic acid is also present in it, to aid brightening of the treated skin area.

    PRX-T33 peel is not advisable to following individuals who are or have: 
  ・pregnant or pregnancy possibility
  ・TCA and kojic acid hypersensitivity
  ・skin irritation(besides acne) on treatment site

  Milder chemical peel is also available.

  AHA(alpha hydroxy acid) is mainly used in this mild peeling treatment. It is a combination of glycolic acid and lactic acid, in concentrations of 5 to 40%. Should be done once in 2-3 weeks as an outpatient treatment.

    These acids melt and peel off keratin on the upper epidermis, stimulating a faster turnover of dermis cells and high production of fibers in the dermis, the process that creates tightened younger skin and cleaner pores.

     AHA peel is not advisable to be used to following cases who are or have:
  ・pregnant or pregnancy possibility
  ・glycolic acid or lactic acid hypersensitivity
  ・skin irritation(besides acne)on treatment site

   A for-home-use tretinoin gel is also available. Convenient if the frequent trips to the clinic are not the choice.

   without tax  with tax
 PRX-T33  TCA33% full face \10000   \11000
    both cheeks  \7500  \8250
    neck  \10000  \11000
    upper chest  \20000  \22000
    others 10×10cm  \7500  \8250
 PRX-T33+Dermapen  full face  \30000  \33000
 PRX+Derma+PicoFocus  full face  \80000  \88000
 AHA Chemical Peel full face  \7000  \7700
   both cheeks  \5000  \5500
   neck  \7000  \7700
   upper chest  \12000  \13200
   others 10×10cm  \5000  \5500
 Tretinoin  0.05% 5g  \8000  \8800
   0.1% 5g  \10000  \11000
  0.2% 5g   \12000  \13200
   0.4% 5g  \14000 \15400
      ・highly absorbable vit. C & E――introduced by ionic & sonic massage

Acne Care Set

    This set is a total acne care done with the combination of the services stated above. 1 session in every 2-3 weeks until healing process is observed within 3 sessions. 4th thru 6th session will be once a month. The total treatment might take for as long as 6 months.Treatments from outside and inside subside not only the acne inflammation but also good for reducing skin redness and also prevention of another break out.

acne care set before/after

downtime: every session shows redness that lasts 1to few days, starts showing effect after 2 or 3 sessions

 The menu goes as follows:
 chemical peeling(PRX-T33 or AHA)  6times    
 ion&ultarsonic massage  6times    
 antibiotics  3mos.    
 vitamin B2  3mos.    
 vitamin B6  3mos.    
 skin peel soap  3mos.    
 high perm. vit. C&E lotion  2bottles    
 peel lotion  3bottles    
 tretinoin  1tube    
 laser  Pico Focus 3times    
   Picotoning 2times    
   Pico Zoom spot multiple    
   vascular laser multiple times    



     without tax with tax 
Acne Care Set full face \100000  \110000
   both cheeks  \90000  \99000
   nose \50000  \55000
   chest  \180000  \198000
   back  \180000  \198000
   buttocks  \140000  \154000
   others10×10cm  \70000  \77000

What isPicosecond Laser
Skin Rejuvenation Care:Click this for details
Pigment Lesions Care:Click this for details

Skin Pores Care:Click this for details
Tattoo Removal:Click this for details

Acne Scar Care

    To enhance bumpy acne scars is also an advantage PicoSure can give. Focus Lens' Fractional component can do this. The LIOB(Laser Induced Optical Breakdown) produced by this treatment inside the dermis activates remodeling and tightening of the skin . Acne scars are smoothened by not causing that much downtime.

PicoSure Focus Fractional 4 Tx before/after

downtime: redness subsides within 1 d., done 1/3wks., at least 3x, better 6 or more times

    Everyone might have different levels of reaction, but with a few treatments in a 4-5-week interval can give you a good result. Face washing and make-ups are okay soon afterwards. Focus Lens fractional also treats your active acne while treating the old scars around.

PicoSure Focus Fractional 4 Tx before/after

downtime: redness subsides within 1 d., done 1/3wks., at least 3x, better 6 or more times

    The pain during treatment might be concern. A little more than a rubber band snapping might be felt but since an outstanding cooling device is available it is just more tolerable than any other devices.

    Here is the actual treatment scene(tube at lower left is the cooling):

 Pricing(refer to Acne Care above)

     Dermapen4 Microneedling

  Dermapen4 is the 4th version of the brand that provides microneedling treatment from the skin surface down to the subcutaneous(subskin) level, about 0.2~3mm in depth, by creating micro injuries or micro holes. As the result, these injuries encourage the body's innate ability to repair itself, by activating its production of tissue fibers such as collagen and elastin, the process which improves skin texture and scars.

   The newest version, Dermapen4, has a disposable cartridge on its tip which contains 16 micro needles that vibrate in the scope of 60 to 120times/sec, which is categorized into 5 levels, while also possibly setting the desired depth of their skin penetration.

  Microneedling 0.5 to 2mm depth covers the skin surface down to the dermis level, promoting fiber regeneration of this level, as a remedy to improve pore texture/wrinkles/ sags/ acne / acne scars. Once every 2to4weeks, 3to5sessions is the regular one treatment set.

microneedling before/after

downtime: redness subsides within days or 1 week

   Micro bleeding and redness might be observed on micro needle points of the skin, but may fade or subside around a day or two, which enables one to resume face washing and make-uping. Numbing anesthetic creme is applied around 20 to 30 minutes beforehand to minimize uncomfortable pain into itchy one.

  2~3mm depth microneedling reaches the subcutaneous(subskin) level, which is used for improvement of acne scars/ wound scar/ stretchmark. In this treatment, bleeding and bruises might become obvious which need around a-week time to subside. Treatment every 6 to 8 weeks is necessary.

  Furthermore, Dermapen is also an efficient device to help medication penetrate inside skin layer more efffectively than regular applying or by sonic/electric massage which are popular settings in cosmetic skin treatment. PRX-T33(TCA peeling)/ hyaluronic acid serum/ brightening solutions/ growth factor solutions/ stem cell exosome solutions(for antiaging) are examples of substances that can be introduced by microneedling.


   without tax with tax 
 Dermapen4 Microneedling    full face  \20000  \22000
     both cheeks  \15000  \16500
     neck  \20000  \22000
     upper chest  \40000  \44000
     others10×10cm  \15000  \16500

     Chemical Peeling

  Chemical Peeling is also a big help in improving acne scars. For details, refer to Chemical Peelingon the Acne Care section above.

  Acne Scars / Skin Pores Care

     This set is a total care of acne scars and skin pores. By caring for acne scars, treatment for pores improvement is simultaneously done. A combination of laser treatment mentioned above and other skin rejuvenation products is the key for better skin texture.

      Laser treatment includes PicoSure Focus fractional, Picotoning, and also vascular laser to reduce redness from acne scars. To see better reaction from these devices, chemical peeling is performed beforehand, then electrophoresis/ultrasonis massage to induce permeation of the vitamins into the skin. Home treatment goods such as vitamin A & E lotion and gel, if necessary additional peeling treatment with tretinoin at home is recommended. Vitamin B2 and B6 are good also for fat metabolism, reducing sebum secretion to pores.

       Treatment is done once a month for at least 5 sessions and may take for about 6 months.

      The menu :
 chemical peeling(PRX-T33)  6times
 ion/ultrasonic massage  6times
 vitamin B2  3mos.
 vitamin B6  3mos.
 skin peel soap  3mos.
 high perm. vita C&E lotion  2bot.
 peel lotion  3bot.
 tretinoin  2tubes
 laser treatment  pico Focus fractional 5times
   picotoning 4times
   pico Zoom spot multiple
   vascular laser multiple


     without tax with tax 
Skin Pores/Acne Scar Care Set  full face  \170000   \187000
  both cheeks   \140000  \154000
   nose  \80000  \88000
  others10×10cm   \100000  \110000

What is Picosecond Laser

Miyagi Cosmetic Surgery宮城美容外科クリニック


2-2-1-3F Maejima, Naha City
Okinawa, Japan 900-0016

TEL 098-860-9120
FAX 098-860-9176

In case line is busy, please make reservations through our website or e-mail.
For online booking click here

e-mail  info@miyagi-clinic.info



