


〒900-0016 沖縄県那覇市前島2-2-1-3F


クリニック案内clinic guide

院長ごあいさつ From the Doctor


院長: 宮城幸太   Kota Miyagi
琉球大学医学部卒業 Graduates in University of the Ryukyus
東京女子医大臨床研修終了 Finishes internship at Tokyo              Women's College of Medicine
A fellow of Otsuka Cosmetic Academy, head of Yokohama branch
日本美容外科学会会員 member of Japanese Society of Aesthetic Surgery
日本美容外科医師会会員 and Japanese Association of Cosmetic Surgeons
日本美容外科学会認定専門医 a Board-certified Cosmetic Surgeon


 Almost fifteen years passed since Miyagi Cosmetic Surgery has opened in Naha City, the center of the tropic Okinawan islands. In these years we had the opportunity meeting many gracious people to whom we are very grateful in taking part with the service we provided. The locals in Naha, individuals from the north, middle, and south of the main island, peoples from the separating islands, the tourists, and, of course, the personnels from the base have always made us get inspired in performing our work. It is our great honor to serve you, and we swear to try more to be the best provider to your cosmetic needs.                    

診療について Specialties

Cosmetic Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology (skin care) are our main services.
Medical Care with the Japanese Health Insurance is also available.

診療時間 Opening Hours

  月Mon 火Tue 水Wed 木Thu 金Fri 土Sat
01:00〜06:00P.M. OFF
日曜日&予告日 休診
Closed on Sundays and announced days                    ※通常は祝日も診療しておりますが、特別休診日になる場合もありますので事前にお問い合わせ下さい。Clinic usually opens on Japanese holidays, though might be closed for special reasons. Please contact us before coming.          ※電話が混み合っている場合、メールでの予約も受け付けております。In case the tel line is busy, please contact us through e-mail. 

Miyagi Cosmetic Surgery宮城美容外科クリニック


2-2-1-3F Maejima, Naha City
Okinawa, Japan 900-0016

TEL 098-860-9120
FAX 098-860-9176

In case line is busy, please make reservations through our website or e-mail.
For online booking click here

e-mail  info@miyagi-clinic.info



