Pico laser is the
latest laser technology
emits laser in picosecond level
making itself a much better laser option
to the extent of
1000 times faster
than the previous nanosecond ones.
picosecond = 1/1 trillion of a second |
nanosecond = 1/1 billion of a second |
If picosecond laser is that extraordinarily
what are its
・even with its lower energy level
bigger effect can be obtained
・above this
less skin damage
・as a result
no or less downtime
better outcome with
less treatment sessions
Until now, lasers mostly are not recommendable
to darker complexion.
such as
skintype Ⅴ and Ⅵ.

But picolaser is a
convincing procedure for these skin types.
Picosecond lasers contain beams with wavelength of
532nm, 755nm, and 1064nm.
755nm has relatively
better absorption
in melanin pigment
sparing unwanted blood vessel damages
meaning showing less bruise markings.
With this advantage,
none or less downtime is observed.
Redness might be seen for
2-3 hours
may linger more
but subsides
within 24 hours .

755nm fits really well with picosecond laser device.
It shows dramatic effect on the following
skin issues:
pigment lesions(sunspots, freckles, birthmarks, etc)
skin loosening/wrinkles
acne scars
tattoo removal
Let's see the details of each treatment:
1.Pigment Issue Treatment
The traditional device for pigment treatment is
Q-switched laser for partial darker spots
and IPL(Intense Pulsed Light)
for wider freckle areas.
Q-switched makes you deal with scabs and
temporary discoloration
while IPL doesn't but usually gives you insufficientness.
Picosecond Laser provides
capacity of both lasers stated above.
On top of that 1000 times faster emission.

It is not completely pain free
rubber band snapping is what you feel
during the procedure.
Since 755nm focuses great on melanin pigment
senile freckle(common sunspot)treatment shows less scab
which let you do washing/make-up just after.

Birthmarks (Ota nevus, nevus spilus, etc.)
are also good target of this treatment.

Melasma of westerners also reacts well
but Asian or other colored-skin melasma
better not be over-treated
and really needs care with bleachers afterwards.

Pico laser is not only effective for pigment abnormalities
but also helps brighten skin tone .

Pico laser undoubtedly lessens
its unwanted side effect
but hypersensitive skin type
or over-treatment
might cause unexpected
burns, blisters or discoloration.
These side effects are temporary
and eventually subside naturally
or with adequate aftercare.
Skin Loosening /Wrinkles Treatment
Pico laser also adopts
a diffractive lens array which redistributes
focused laser energy.
It is called a
Focus Lens
which contain a
fractional laser function
no downtime.。

By using this Focus Lens
the high energy laser creates
LIOB(laser induced optical breakdown)
a micro tissue damage
inside the
which leaves
skin surface intact.
755nm shows
no bruises.
This technique is
possible only by using
picosecond laser
cannot be possible with the traditional nanosecond ones.

irradiation LIOB created post-24hr dermal inflammation
LIOB stimulates
dermal inflammation after 24 hours.
Afterwards production of
collagen and
elastin fibers
takes place inside the dermis.
As the result
thightening and
upgraded elasticity observed.

Pores reduction,
acne scars repair,
can also be expected with this procedure.
Of course, darker skin tone is also treatable.

Fosuc Lens treatment
takes place just inside the shallow epidermis
so side effect is minimal or zero
as it is designed
but exception might be observed
with sensitive cases
such as
rare discoloration
that is not permanent.
Pores Treatment
Pores also are good candidate
Focus Lens treatment.

Pico laser creates
LIOB(Laser induced optical breakdown) that
remodels the pores
and also activates
collagen and elastin fibers production
to induce
which also makes pore appearance finer
of course, with
no downtime technique.

Acne Scars Treatment
Acne scars also react to
Focus Lens treatment.

Redness ifrom treatment s gone
within 24 hours,
no downtime
showing big difference
with the traditional fractional laser

2-3 times treatment
can show you a
a good result to some extent.
5.Active Acne Treatment
For active acne
chemical peeling was the first choice.
combined with antibiotics andVitamin B's
as supplements from the inside.
If not effective
then IPL(Intensed Pulsed Light)was introduced.
Picosecond Laser is recently understood
as a more effective remedy
for this issue.

A no downtime effective treatment
is the factor that gives this laser
a bigger role
in acne treatment.
Specific order of the procedure
goes as follows;
First, a mild chemical peeling
might be needed to clean the skin and pores.
To ease inflamed redness
Zoom Lens handpiece is used
directly to the severe acne.
If needed, vascular laser is used
to treat wider red skin areas,
Then lastly,
apply laser all over the face
using Focus Lens
to activate dermal turn-over
and remodeling of the dermis and pores.
Repeat this treatment once in 3-4 weeks
for 2~4 times
to see effect.
Repeatedly emphasizing again that
darker tone skin
are also treatable.

5.Tattoo Removal
Tattoo removal maybe the last in this list
but actually not the least
or maybe
the main event of picosecond laser treatment.
because this laser is designed for this issue.

Compared to traditional Q-switched laser(a nanosecond laser)
picosecond laser is
required less treatment sessions
while showing
the same or
more obvious effect.
has the power to treat
blue and
green inks
which are colors that are difficult to remove.
If combined with
which is the master of removing
red/orange/yellow inks

then both can cover whatever color
you want to be gone from your sacred skin.

Laser tattoo removal
can rarely be achieved
with 1 session but not impossible.
Usually it needs about
1 treatment in 8-18weeks duration
at least 3~4 times of treatment.
Pico laser
shows less bleeding
but fairer skin and stronger laser power
might cause slight tiny bleeding
that dries up for few days
that eventually fall off like scabs.
That has been about the latest picosecond laser.
If you have any questions
feel free to contact us.
さらなる詳細 、 further details