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The Power of BBL-the Innovative IPL Treatment

IPL(Intense Pulsed Light) Treatment has been one of the key techniques for over 20 years in medical cosmetic field, and before its emergence, one-wavellength laser treatment was the main procedure used for what IPL remarkably does now in non-surgical cosmetic cares.

While lasers treat with more power in a partial spot, IPL works mildly in a shallow manner along a wider area of the skin.
For example, in treatment of the most common pigment concern, senile freckle(common sunspot), older and darker ones are treated partially with laser technique, and newer lighter ones can be treated with IPL together with the sorrounding normal skin to make the region even.
Lasers, which are much stronger, take at least a week to recover, while IPL treatments have no downtime, letting you do your daily routine including face washing.

IPL devices multiply to many brands within 20 years.
Photofacial, FotoRF(Aurora), and so many other other names that mostly take the 'foto' ot 'photo' name are IPL applicators.
What evolves from these machines is the most innovative, multifunctional BBL sytem.
BBL stands for BroadBand Light, which make it capable of achieving satisfactory results.
BBL wavelength filters
Interchangeable Smart Filters allow BBL to emit different wavelengths of lights, making it an efficient device to treat different skin concerns:
・Filter 420          for acne treatment
・Filter 515          for pigmented spots
・Filter 560          for vascular abnormalities
・Filters 590,640,695      for hair removal
・Infrared Light Filter     for skin tightening

Below are details of their functions:

1.Filter 420 for acne treatment    IPL for acne is already a widely known fact.

Filter 420 is more powerful compared to its likes because of its ability to kill acne germs and also reduction of sebum secretion into pores, which are vital for acne cure and prevention.
BBL bef・aft
Filter 420 emits light that reacts to the substance acne bacteria exude called porphyrin, in which process free radicals are produced to kill the germs.
Conjunction of this remedy and Filter 560(be mentioned later) is more convincing because the latter can relieve acne redness and irritations.

IPL treatment for acne is usually done with chemical peeling that cleans pore by peeling unwanted keratin of the skin.

Individuals with darker skin tone are not good candicates for IPL treatment which might burn your light-sensitive skin.
Combination of chemical peeling and medication is recommended.

2.Filter 515 for Pigmented Lesions     Filter 515 for senile freckles(regular sunspots) and youth freckles is the most used remedy done by IPL treatment not to mention the BBL treatment.
515 light beaming through shallow epidermis
Lights especially sunlight are commonly assumed to be the main caused of sunspots.
But BBL emits light that is free of harmful ones such as UV light which is the cause of unwanted spots.
Useful lights which BBL produces actually heals spots instead.

     frecklesbefore IPL          freckles after IPL
Shallowly and mildly the treatment goes, widely it can be applied for these reasons, so mostly it is usually done through the whole face for brightening effects.

 before BBL     after BBL

However, older spots or melasma are not good with IPL
Stronger lasers or medications are the good remedy for these concerns.

Filter 515 is not also good for darker skin tone because it shows more reaction to your skin that may result in burn.
Brightening medications are recommended for such cases.

3.Filter 560 for Redness   This filter's light selectively reacts to the blood's red color which consequently destroys blood vessels, and this is why it is used for vascular lesion treatment.
But since IPL only reaches shallow level of the skin , it does not have power to destroy deeper and larger lesions such as hemangiomas or varicose veins.
This filter treats only surface dilated capillaries that create skin redness.
BBL bef/aft
No downtime and show fast effect, so this is also a popular procedure we do with this device.
Usually destroyed capillaries are not essential ones to your skin, but some parts easiliy revive again another network of vessels months after treatment.
So it is advisable to do this treatment every 1 to 2 months for few times until you get a satisfactory outcome.
A picture below shows visible vascular lines that mean they are deeper larger ones.
In this case, laser treatment must be combined to see good effects.laser bef/aft

4.Filter 590/640/695 for Hair Removal    IPL hair removal is also an actively done procedure which is available even in the nonmedical salons.
But IPL only treats shallower land in milder level, so needless to say that it has limitation in this area, meaning it takes time and sessions to see effect.
This might be only recommendable for surface fine hairs.
IPL hair removal for fine hairs
Thicker deeper hairs should be treated with lasers instead of IPL because faster removal and lesser side effect can be usually observed with laser procedure.
thick hair laser

Also, skin with darker tone is good with laser treatment since IPL reacts easily with the skin melanin and burns can turn out to be a serious side effect.
laser for darker tone

5.Infrared Light Filter for Skin Tightening      This filter comes with a brand name SkinTyte and it literally treats skin to have firmer elastc texture.
55℃ deep skin, 12℃ surface
Deeper skin layer is selectively heated to stimulate collagen production, which is needed for firmer skin texture.
SkinTyte bef/aft
No downtime at all, can be done even at break time.
To have good results, treatment once a month for 3 to 5 times is advised.

If faster and immediate effect is what you like, invasive laser procedures might be the choice, such as laser skiin abrasion or fractional laser method.

This has been the details about BBL treatment.
It is our pleasure to answer any inquiries from you.

 、 further details

Miyagi Cosmetic Surgery宮城美容外科クリニック


2-2-1-3F Maejima, Naha City
Okinawa, Japan 900-0016

TEL 098-860-9120
FAX 098-860-9176

In case line is busy, please make reservations through our website or e-mail.
For online booking click here

e-mail  info@miyagi-clinic.info



