


〒900-0016 沖縄県那覇市前島2-2-1-3F


Liposonix The Newest Ultasound Technology

Liposonix is  
a system that uses high-intensity ultrasound energy that focuses on the targeted fat, destroying fat cells beneath the surface layers of the skin.

is what you get.The treated fat tissue is removed through the body's natural healing and elimination process, leaving you with a thinner, more contoured bodyline.

Treatment areas:
  Mostly abdomen, and 2.5cm or more of fat layer that can be touched on waist part, thighs, hips, and arms.The ultrasound energy focuses in the 1.5cm depth level from skin surface. 1.0cm of layer below this level is necessary to let the device work.

 Every individual has different result. In a clinical study, 1 treatment gives an average of 2.6cm(1 inch) decrease in size. This outcome started to be observed 3 weeks later, then finally became noticeable after 2 to 3 months.

During Treatment
 Discomfort, cold, prickling, tingling, or warmth sensation might be felt. Premedication is available if needed

 About 300 patients have undergone lab tests after 3 months of treatment and no abnormal level of fats and other substances were noticed.

subcutaneous fat layer below 2.5cm 
 pregnant or maybe pregnant 
 hernia, wounds, or infection on the area 
 facial parts

Treatment Sizes:
 The handpiece size, which is 4.5cm by 4.5cm, is 1 area. Treatment part size is calculated by counting how many areas are there on it. 1 area needs about 4-minute treatment. (Details of areas in every part are stated below)

Treatment scene:

 If you agree to share us your before-after pics,                 50%OFF¥21,000
            (promotion until end of March )
Abdomen, waist, thighs, buttocks, arms are treatable.
4.5cm×4.5cm areas on each part:     abs 6~15 areas                         waist 1 side 2~3                       thigh inner 1 side 3~6                         outer 1 side  3~6                       buttocks 1 side   3~6                         arm 1 side   2~4




Miyagi Cosmetic Surgery宮城美容外科クリニック

TEL 098-860-9120
FAX 098-860-9176
e-mail  info@miyagi-clinic.info
